roger nemour roger nemour San Diego, California, Guitarist, Composer , Producer, Musician, Guitar instrumentalist Fri, 14 Mar 2025 07:45:45 +0000 <![CDATA[Roger's Song Makes San Diego Top PlAYLIST]]> ROGER'S SONG MAKES SAN DIEGO'S TOP PLAYLIST

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<![CDATA[MY THIRD ALBUM RELEASE]]> I'm finishing up recording and mastering my new album which is my third album release. It will be released at the end of October 2021. The album will have 15 new songs on it. It has been interesting and fun creating these new songs .I have made them all different with a variety of genres. I hope that everyone will enjoy them so look for the new songs here or my website . The songs and album along with my past two albums will be for sale at the usual vendors iTunes, Amazon, etc. at the end of October 2021. Thank you for everyone's support.

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<![CDATA[My albums are on sale at]]>

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